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- Publication2D Hydraulic Modelling of Dam Break Analysis Using MIKE FLOOD for Kenyir Dam(Springer, 2020)
;Rashid Mohd Shah M. ;Mohd Sidek L. ;Ruzaimei Yalit M. ;Marufuzzaman M. ;Basri H. ;Kamal Yaacob M. ;57212469771 ;35070506500 ;57208674669 ;57205234835 ;5706582330057212462308Dams are large barriers built across rivers and streams in order to restrain and utilize the flow of water for numerous purposes like irrigation, generation of hydroelectricity and controlling the flood. Detention of water by large barriers creates lakes and reservoirs. However, a huge amount of water stored behind the dam can possess adverse effects on the downstream during the event of a dam break. It is very much essential for executing dam break studies to provide possible flood inundation information and impact assessment to the dam. This study was conducted to carry out hydraulic and dam break analysis of Kenyir Dam. Dam break modeling was performed under Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) scenario. MIKE 11 1-D model was used to derive breach outflow hydrograph, whereas MIKE 21 2-D model is being used for flood plain modeling and generation of inundations maps downstream of the dam. The routing of flow to the downstream area using MIKE FLOOD model was to obtain the flooded area, flood travel time and maximum flood depth. It was found from the PMF scenario, dam breach outflow hydrograph yielded the peak value of 468,352�m3/s showed potential to flood the downstream area of the dam. This will result in identifying the affected location or villages located at the downstream of Kenyir Dam. Indirectly, it will become a reference for agencies such as Jabatan Pertahanan Awam (JPAM) and Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia to take safety precautions during the happening of unwilling disaster. � 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.58 - PublicationAccess control and classifier-based blockchain technology in e-healthcare applications(Elsevier, 2020)
;Maseleno A. ;Hashim W. ;Perumal E. ;Ilayaraja M. ;Shankar K. ;55354910900 ;11440260100 ;57221237224 ;5566228830056884031900E-healthcare promises to be the next big wave in the healthcare industry, which makes security the most essential component in this framework. Security in sensor network communication is recommended for providing information secrecy and authentication. Many security algorithms are proposed by numerous creators, and among all the security models, Blockchain Technology (BT) with dispersed ledger provides the highest level of security for e-healthcare systems. To improve the security of the healthcare framework, a learning classifier is the support vector machine that is used to characterize sensitive and nonsensitive data from e-healthcare information. After this procedure comes the BT approach, which is connected to protect sensitive data using various layers of encryption, and decryption processes. When the healthcare data are verified, the access-control process considers the reason for authentication. Finally, the simulation results were attained for assessing the performance of the e-healthcare information security model regarding throughput, energy, and security-level measures. � 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.6 - PublicationAn alternate voltage-controlled current source for electrical impedance tomography applications(Springer, 2019)
;Chitturi V. ;Farrukh N. ;5693868870056272534200The desirable features of any current source in electrical impedance tomography (EIT) are high output impedance and a constant current for varying loads. Howland current sources are the most popular current sources for EIT applications. Alternately, a simple non-inverting amplifier circuit can be used as a voltage-controlled current source using IC LM7171 op-amp. A constant current of 5 mA (PP) is designed and tested over a wide range of frequencies. The frequency response indicates a stable current up to 1 MHz. These results are validated for an impedance of 1 k? which is usually considered for EIT applications. A buffer circuit is added to this current circuit to meet high output impedance matching. A minor discrepancy is visible between the theoretical value and measured value of the output current due to the tolerance band of the resistors used in the non-inverting amplifier circuit. � Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2019.9 - PublicationAnalysis of Climate-Net Unit Generated (NUG) Relationship for the Hydroelectric Power Station(Springer, 2020)
;Azman A.H. ;Tukimat N.N.A. ;Malek M.A. ;57212471511 ;5553141740055636320055Global climate change has influenced the sustainability of hydroelectric power generation caused by the uncertainties of the air temperature and rainfall pattern. Current reservoir water management practices may not be robust to survive impacts of climate changes particularly in sufficiency of long term water demand-supply. In addition, the electricity demand is also increasing year by year because of extreme daily weather. Higher temperature will increase the electricity demand which is good income generation however this has resulted high operation cost and reduction of water storage. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to determine the relationship between climate change with net unit generated (NUG) at Sultan Mahmud Hydro Electric Power Station. To achieve the objective, a Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) was applied to identify the best atmospheric variables which influenced the long term climate formation at the area. The climate-NUG relationship had been analyzed based on statistical equation. The finding shows inversed proportional relationships between rainfall and temperature. During wet seasons, the maximum rainfall achieved 60�mm/month and the temperature recorded was around 26 ?. Minimum rainfall recorded during dry seasons was <10�mm/month with maximum temperature reading up to 28.5 ?. In terms of power generated, the maximum NUG data were often recorded in wet season. The highest NUG recorded during dry seasons were 1 000 000 000�300 000 000 kWh while the value of NUG during wet seasons were 50 000 000�240 000 000 kWh. � 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.14 - PublicationAnalysis of Different Flow Regime on Spillway Stepped Chute(Springer, 2020)
;Zahari N.M. ;Hizami A. ;Zawawi M.H. ;Abas A. ;Rashid M.M.R. ;Azman A. ;54891672300 ;57212473373 ;39162217600 ;56893346700 ;5720467703857210094312Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is becoming an increasingly popular method of building and protecting dam embankments. Numerous RCC spillways have been built worldwide and Murum Dam is one of the RCC spillways that have been built in Sarawak, Malaysia. This paper will discuss on analysis of different flow regime that occur at stepped spillways in Murum Dam using numerical simulation. This study consists of creating the three-dimensional model of the spillway and run a simulation by inserting different velocity for different type of flow. Flow regime in stepped are divided into three type which is nappe, transitional and skimming flow. The simulation shows that nappe, transitional and skimming flow occur in both laminar and turbulent flow even different input in velocity. The results show turbulence model have the highest velocity of 361.38�m/s and highest pressure 6.5 � 107 Pa. � 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.26 - PublicationApplication of interactive dam safety decision support system (INSPiRE) for flood emergency response plan (ERP) of sultan abu bakar dam malaysia(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2018)
;Sidek L.M. ;Basri H. ;Mohiyaden H.A. ;Said N.F.M. ;Yalit M.R. ;Basri H. ;Muda R.S. ;35070506500 ;57065823300 ;56780374500 ;57189243019 ;57208674669 ;5720867447855812851400Flood Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is a plan that guides responsibilities for proper operation of Sultan Abu Bakar (SAB) dam in response to emergency incidents affecting the dam by high water storage capacity. Based on this study, four major responsibilities are needed for SAB dam owing to protect any probable risk for downstream which can be Incident Commander, Deputy Incident Commander, On-scene Commander and Civil Engineer. Having organisation charts based on ERP exercise can be helpful for decreasing the probable risks in any projects such as Abu Bakar Dam and it is a way to identify and suspected and actual dam safety emergencies. A dam safety emergency is an event, which could potentially lead to dam break and need to be taken care of a massive plan. To mitigate the hydro hazard due to dam break, UNITEN has developed a new application software known as INSPiRE (Interactive Dam Safety Decision Support System). INSPiRE, as an intelligent dam safety software, is developed to address emergencies, which demand fast, decision making and effective multi-agency collaboration due to SAB dam break event. INSPiRE will contribute towards the sustainability of SAB dam�s owner as corporate reputations can be ruined through dam structural failures that can affect the economy of the nation and enhance the quality of life of the people. � 2019 by Emerald Publishing Limited All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.14 - PublicationArtificial Intelligence Forecasting for Transmission Line Ampacity(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)
;Hamed Y. ;Abd Rahman M.S. ;Ab Kadir M.Z.A. ;Osman M. ;Ariffin A.M. ;Ab Aziz N.F. ;57189368701 ;36609854400 ;25947297000 ;7201930315 ;1640072240057221906825Overhead transmission lines are used to transmit electrical energy at a high voltage over long distances. The capacity of the transmission system is usually capped at a certain level to comply with the safety and reliability conditions of the system. The limit of the current capacity is estimated based on the worst weather conditions. However, during normal weather conditions, the conductor usually has more transition capacity than its limited level. Dynamic line ratings (DLR) provide an estimation of the line current capacity based on the actual weather conditions. Hence, the transmission line can be used to its full capacity when needed. Dynamic line ratings can be modelled physically, statistically, and using machine learning and artificial intelligence. This chapter aims to address the implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms in predicting the DLR of transmission systems. Using artificial intelligence to forecast the measurements of DLR enables operators to estimate the current maximum capacity in real-time. The advantages and limitations of each approach are detailed in this chapter as well. � 2022, Institute of Technology PETRONAS Sdn Bhd.19 - PublicationAn assessment of an instrument with which to conduct internal audits(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009)
;Kasim M.A.B. ;Bt Mohd Hanafi S.R. ;Aziz A.A. ;Hancock D.R. ;58592002600 ;55996473300 ;560122288007102173613As a result of the financial demise of several international corporations in recent years, the need for competent internal audits has received significant attention. Although most corporations conduct internal audits, their effectiveness has often been suspect and many of the existing instruments with which to measure internal audit effectiveness have severe limitations. Development of the new instrument to quantitatively measure the effectiveness of internal audit functions is clearly needed. This study uses the Internal Audit Professional Practice Framework to examine the validity and reliability of a new instrument with which to conduct internal audits. The results suggest that the instrument is highly reliable and conforms to the standards established by the Institute of Internal Auditors -- the professional organization governing the internal auditing profession. � 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.4 - PublicationAssessment of Stormwater Runoff Quality in Various Location in University Campus(Springer, 2020)
;Hazizan A.A. ;Ahmed A.N. ;Hayder G. ;57212470399 ;5721483752056239664100Sampling of urban stormwater runoff was carried out in a few small catchment area in UNITEN. The objectives of this study are to investigate the stormwater runoff quality in various location in UNITEN. The area represents different type of landuses such as residential (Cendekiawan Apartment), commercial (UNITEN�s Cafe) and industrial (construction site near to College of Engineering (COE) parking area). Twelve runoff samples from three different location were analyzed. Stormwater runoff quality shows large variations in concentration during storms, especially for total suspended solid (TSS), BOD5, COD and turbidity. TSS for construction site was the highest which are 36123�mg/L. BOD5 for UNITEN�s Caf� was the highest with 165�mg/L. COD for both construction site and UNITEN�s caf� were exceed the limit with 1421�mg/L and 989�mg/L respectively. pH measurement shows acceptable result for some locations. Event mean concentration (EMC) was evaluate and compared to mean EMC values by Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID). Recommendation was made to improve the water quality in the future. � 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.14 - PublicationBallistic impact response of laminated hybrid composite materials(Elsevier, 2018)
;Loganathan T.M. ;Sultan M.T.H. ;Gobalakrishnan M.K. ;Muthaiyah G. ;35362386500 ;57208100518 ;5721537082955812215600Ballistics impact testing deals with high-speed testing, which is suitable for examining the ultimate impact response of laminate hybrid composites. Limited studies have been conducted on ballistic impact behavior, especially that subjected to hybrid composites. Natural hybrid composites are subjected to an impact response because it is one of the most important behaviors that is widespread owing to its surroundings. The damage to a composite as a result of impact is the most critical characteristic that keeps it from being applied extensively as a hybrid composite material. To determine the effectiveness of such materials in high-performance structural applications, their behavior or response when endangered by a high-velocity impact should be clearly understood. The ballistic impact behavior of a composite is influenced by a few parameters, including geometry, the material, and the projectiles, as is discussed in detail. The dominant failure modes or damage behaviors of the composites dominated by a ballistic impact are fiber fracture or rapture, fiber matrix debonding, delamination and shear cutoff. Lamination of natural fibers with synthetic fibers in the case of composite materials results in the enhancement of ballistic impact performance for this natural hybrid composite. � 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.12 - PublicationBig Data Analytics for Large Scale Wireless Body Area Networks; Challenges, and Applications(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)
;Abdulshaheed H.R. ;Abbas H.H. ;Ahmed E.Q. ;Al-Barazanchi I. ;57209849809 ;57211923537 ;5722451473957659035200With the development of technology and connectivity, it is has become easier to gather data regarding a necessity, and use that to analyze, observe and provide solutions to day-to-day problems. The development of science and technology has brought immense benefit and comfort to human society allowing us to venture further with ease. The same applies to Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), the system that measures the medical parameters of a human subject to treat his or her ailments. The data gathered from various patients can be collected and provided to the medical authority and doctors accordingly. This is used to generate patterns from a definitive source and provide clarity of the patient�s disease and/or any condition to the doctors. However, doing that for many patients and hospital records requires an immense amount of time and people. This is where big data analytics comes into play, a cloud based analytics technology that scans extraordinarily large amounts of data, identifies similarities and differences, and observes the patterns to help doctors solve their patients� diseases or conditions. Using this technology prevents unnecessary deaths of patients. This paper will explain the implementation process of big data analytics in large scale WBAN, the difficulties and challenges that may occur, and its applications and benefits. � 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.4 - PublicationBiomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering: Properties and Applications(Elsevier, 2021)
;Zaroog O.S. ;Satgunam M. ;Wei L.C. ;57189246634 ;4856172560057997164700Tissue engineering is one of few emerging fields that focus solely on developing alternative treatment for tissue and organ repair. It is a multidisciplinary field that uses a combination of cells, engineering materials and suitable biochemical factors to enhance or replace biological function to produce a better clinical procedure to repair damaged tissues and organs. Biomaterials are incredibly significant in tissue engineering in various ways such as; acting as a substrate so that cell populations can attach and migrate, as a cell delivery vehicle, 3-D implant with a combination of specific cell types, to activate specific cellular function in the localized region as a drug carrier, to define the shape of regenerating tissue as a mechanical structure, and to provide space as a barrier membrane for tissue regeneration along with prevention of fibroblast ingrowth into the space. Hence with all the facts in mind, this paper is to do a thorough study and review on the specific research on the biomaterial�s applications and properties for bone tissue engineering which hopefully could discover a more suitable and affordable biomaterial which can substitutes and represent the future of new therapeutic approaches specifically aimed at clinical applications. � 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.3 - PublicationBiopolymer based photocatalysts and their applications(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2019)
;Badiei M. ;Asim N. ;Mohammad M. ;Akhtaruzzaman M. ;Amin N. ;Alghoul M.A. ;36709214200 ;55902096700 ;55453520700 ;57195441001 ;71024246148626748100Photocatalysis is an innovative practical technique which has been widely used to overcome environmental challenges. Photocatalysts are chemically activated upon exposure to ultraviolet irradiation that causes degradation and even demineralization of pollutants. So far, studies have been focused on titanium dioxide (TiO2) as semiconductor photocatalyst. Experimental researches have been directed toward the development of TiO2-based photocatalysts with proper choice of immobilization support to prepare bifunctional adsorbent-photocatalyst composites with industrial photo-oxidation performance. The natural biopolymers have a special affinity for metal and metal oxides. They are new biomatrix for semiconductor photocatalysts that are appropriate for wastewater treatment. This review consists of three main sections. Initially, the necessity of immobilization of photocatalytic nanoparticles is explained. Then, the main structural characteristics of chitosan, alginate and cellulose as adsorbent and templating support are explained. The third section of this chapter summarizes the potential applications of biopolymer-based photocatalysts composites. � 2019 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.12 - PublicationCapital stock and performance of R&D organizations: A dynamic DEA-ANP hybrid approach(Springer New York LLC, 2016)
;Wu Y.-C. ;Kweh Q.L. ;Lu W.-M. ;Hung S.-W. ;Chang C.-F. ;57013722100 ;55661469500 ;25625212800 ;720193613157190129308Assessing resource allocation in R&D organizations is an important issue that requires a comprehensive measure to characterize it. To provide a greater picture, we first construct a dynamic three-stage network DEA model, which evaluates the R&D efficiency, technology-diffusion efficiency, and value-creation efficiency of Taiwanese R&D organizations over the period 2005�2009. Before integrating window analysis and network data envelopment analysis (DEA) to estimate dynamic efficiencies, we apply Analytic Network Process (ANP) to determine the relative importance of each stage. Subsequently, we employ panel data regression to examine whether the capital stock of patents, quality of human resources, and capability of service support affect the dynamic efficiencies of the R&D organizations. Our findings show that the mean R&D efficiency score is greater than that of the technology-diffusion efficiency, with the value-creation efficiency score being the lowest, suggesting that R&D organizations have to firstly work on improving the technology-diffusion inefficiency, and finally improving the value-creation inefficiency. Our panel data regression analysis indicates that the capital stock of patents do affect the efficiencies of the R&D organizations, even including the quality of human resources and capability of service support. That is, managers should focus on technological development and innovation to improve their corporate performance. � Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016.2 - PublicationCharacteristic Study on Malaysia Power Plant Fly Ash Cenosphere(Springer, 2020)
;Beddu S. ;Zainoodin M.M. ;Muda Z.C. ;Mohamad D. ;Mohamed Nazri F. ;Itam Z. ;Sadon S.N. ;55812080500 ;57202388764 ;55812444000 ;57200335404 ;55195912500 ;5510272340057200334298This paper investigates the characteristic of cenosphere derived from fly ash collected from Malaysia power plant. The current trends on the reuse on cenosphere has been reviewed and various characteristic properties of cenosphere were presented and compared with cenosphere from Malaysia power plant. Fly ash was collected from Jimah, Manjung and Kapar power plant and was processed to extract the cenosphere. Cenosphere was undergo chemical composition test, particle size distribution identification, surface morphology and crystallographic structure in order to study the characteristic. Cenosphere were found to have smooth surface and a spherical morphology with high amount of silicon dioxide and aluminum oxide. Cenospheres will give a huge effect potential due to the unique properties, where it will be amenable to a wide range of industrial applications used in the engineering industry, highway engineering, oil and gas industry, foundry engineering as well as the chemical industry. � Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.31 - PublicationCharacterization studies of biopolymeric matrix and cellulose fibres based composites related to functionalized fibre-matrix interface(Elsevier, 2019)
;Noor Azammi A.M. ;Ilyas R.A. ;Sapuan S.M. ;Ibrahim R. ;Atikah M.S.N. ;Asrofi M. ;Atiqah A. ;57202834312 ;57196328367 ;35230794000 ;36659182600 ;57209275651 ;5719369803755366998300Interfacial bonding between cellulosic fibres and biopolymeric matrices is always an issue when it comes to blending with a different medium in composites. For example, the blending of natural or synthetic fibre with a biopolymer or synthetic polymer composite. Many research presumed that hydrophilic fibre has low interfacial bonding in composites. Nevertheless, there are several techniques that can be used to improve the interfacial bonding of hydrophobic fibre, for instance, through certain chemical treatments for the hydrophilic fibre. Chemical treatments for the fibre involve macro-sized fibre up to the nanocellulose section. The changes include physical and chemical reactions on both fibre/nanocelullose and the matrices of the composites. The transformation of interfacial bonding improvement can be observed either in macro or nano conditions. This chapter will discuss several techniques that were used to observe the changes in interfacial bonding improvement through the use of special types of equipment. � 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.8 - PublicationThe classification of urban growth pattern using topological relation border length algorithm: An experimental study(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2018)
;Ghani N.L.A. ;Abidin S.Z.Z. ;5694021960025824609700Generally, the pattern of urban growth is classified as either infill growth, expansion growth, or outlying growth. Topological relation length algorithm determines the urban growth pattern based on the common boundary analysis of the new and old urban region. However, literatures are concerned that the existing algorithm may produce incorrect classification result as infill growth are often confused as either expansion or outlying growth. This paper aims to investigate the effect of existing topological relation border length algorithm on the classification results and proposed an improvement to the algorithm with new classification rule. Results showed that the existing algorithm is only able to classify outlying growth while the improved algorithm has successfully identified all three urban growth patterns. � Springer International Publishing AG 2018.3 - PublicationComparison of Design Flood Hydrograph Using XP-SWMM in Jeluh River, Kajang for Flood Mitigation(Springer, 2020)
;Mohd Sidek L. ;Zaki A.Z.I.A. ;Puad A.H.M. ;Mustaffa Z. ;35070506500 ;57212453511 ;5581241370055812340600There are several flood event recorded within the Kajang Town in recent years especially in 2008, 2011 and 2012. Intense development of housing and commercial activities mainly concentrated within Kajang town in these recent years adjoined with its flood plain location contributed to Kajang town and its surrounding areas being prone to flooding issues. Therefore, the hydrological analysis is required to obtain the design flood hydrograph based on the different hydrological method. In this research XP-SWMM software-based hydrological modeling is done for Jeluk River, Kajang. The results show how a different method of hydrological analysis can be affected by the different types of input parameters and give a dissimilar set of flood hydrographs. This analysis also shows that the different method of hydrological analysis can give the best design flood hydrograph based on the best available data information and suit the rainfall pattern of a country. � 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.37 - PublicationA continuance model for optimized participation in virtual communities(IGI Global, 2015)
;Shanmugam M. ;Jusoh Y.Y. ;3619513450036147542500The social commerce wave has opened up vast opportunities in emerging markets through virtual communities' participation. This chapter investigates the constructs and theories from the social psychology perspective looking into the intention and behaviour prospect by extending the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and integrating the Social Support Theory (SST) to purport a continuance model for virtual communities' optimized participation in Malaysia. The model uncovers that the emotional and informational constructs of the SST and constructs of the TPB as well as perceived value optimizes participation. This chapter also establishes a continuance model and illustrates how theory from the social psychology literature positions the constructs of SST, TPB and perceived value in enhancing the participation of virtual communities. The SEM-PLS method used to analyse the data shows that the intention and behaviour of the virtual communities determine users' participation level. Furthermore, this chapter seeks to enlighten our knowledge on virtual communities and tap into the social commerce capabilities. � 2015, IGI Global. All rights reserved.1 - PublicationContrast Image Quality Assessment Algorithm Based on Probability Density Functions Features(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)
;Ahmed I.T. ;Der Chen S. ;Jamil N. ;Hammad B.T. ;57193324906 ;7410253413 ;3668267190057193327622Recently, the existing image quality Assessment algorithms (IQAs) works focusing on distorted images by compression, noise and blurring. Reduced-reference Image Quality Metric for Contrast-changed images (RIQMC) and No Reference-Image Quality Assessment (NR-IQA) for Contrast-Distorted Images (NR-IQA-CDI) have been created for CDI. For each of the five global feature that used in NR-IQA-CDI, The statistical model or the Probability Density Function (PDF) was determined using a Sun2012 database which containing a wide variety of natural scene images. NR-IQA-CDI showed poor performance in two out of three image databases, where the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PLCC) were only 0.5739 and 0.7623 in TID2013 and CSIQ database, respectively. For this reason, we present the NR-IQA-CDI based on Monotonic Probability Density Functions (PDFs) (NR-IQA-CDI-MPCF) to address the problem of the existing bell-curve-like PDF of contrast features that cannot reflect the monotonic relation between contrast feature values and perceptual image quality. The findings indicate that the NR-IQA-CDI-MPCF outperforms the current NR-IQA-CDI, especially in the TID2013 database. � 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.15